ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

By the time you are reading this the Illinois State Trapshoot will be upon us. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to say this. It has been a long year to reach this point and we are ready to host a great shoot. Please plan on coming to Brittany Shooting Park and join us for a week of fun in June.  I want to take a moment to mention two people who were instrumental in getting us to this point. The first is ISTA board member Ned Meyer. Ned is a Swiss army knife that will do anything to help the cause. He took on making our program this year and did a wonderful job. The other is our President, Mike Dennis. Mike, under difficult circumstances, showed true leadership as he held the board together and kept us focused on the prize of having a shoot this year. If you see either one of these gentlemen be sure to thank them for their good hard work. I want to congratulate Lawrence Gillum for breaking a 97 to win the Handicap Championship at the Southern Grand. Nice shooting Lawrence! You made Illinois proud.

I also have two target milestones to mention. Mike Dennis has reached 75,000 Singles targets and Tom Fester has shot 25,000 Singles targets. Way to go guys! Dedication is always rewarded in the end and you guys are showing us the way.

Finally, I want to wish Patricia Miller, wife of Hall of Famer Randy Miller, a hardy get well soon. Pat suffered a stroke at the end of March but quick, effective treatment by the doctors means she is recovering fast. We miss you Pat and are looking forward to seeing you soon!     

Shoot well and safely!

Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate